Our solutions drive claims outcomes that work for risk payers. Experience operational improvement, solution design, performance analytics, and cost reduction. Choosing ALC as your independent partner ensures that your needs and program goals are always at the forefront of your investment.
ALC’s independent, successful claims resolutions are built on the human connection creating trust and a better settlement outcome for the risk payer. Focused and tailored negotiation providing expeditious WCAB approval by our knowledgeable, compassionate, Spanish bi-lingual claim experts.
Workers’ compensation claims are complex and challenging. Disputes, dissention, litigation, and fraud all tug for claims dollars.
ALC’s experience and collaborative style focuses on your objectives. As the industry continues to change and consolidate, risk payers that choose to audit their service providers or partner in our claims oversight will benefit from the investment made.
Our personalized expertise improves claims handling outcomes and lowers claims costs through our oversight solutions. Our clients have experienced dramatic results, high return on investment, earlier and increased touch points, better understanding of concerns, faster resolution, and better overall workers' compensation program satisfaction.
Risk payers benefit from an independent perspective to validate claims handling performance and reserving practices through our auditing services. Standard or customized audits by our team of dedicated professionals who are focused on your program.